With the new Eemax AutoBooster, homeowners have the opportunity to transform their water heating infrastructure for the better. AutoBooster provides more hot water by getting 45 percent more capacity from a conventional storage water heater.
It also helps to save space, as it essentially gives a 50-gallon tank the same capacity as an 80-gallon tank without the need to upgrade. It also helps to save energy (as homeowners can switch off power when they’re away) and money (it’s an affordable one-time installation that leads to cheaper energy bills for years to come).
Here’s a rundown of five frequently asked questions about the AutoBooster:
How does AutoBooster work?
The Eemax AutoBooster installs directly onto the hot water outlet of a tank. AutoBooster senses the temperature of the tank’s outlet and starts heating when the tank’s outlet temperature drops below the AutoBooster’s set activation point.
How does AutoBooster fit into your home?
AutoBooster is not a replacement for your existing water heater – rather, it works with your tank to heat water when your tank alone cannot keep up with demand.
How does AutoBooster affect your power and wiring needs?
When an AutoBooster is installed on an existing electric tank, there’s no additional electrical infrastructure. Additional wiring may be required for a gas tank installation.
Are there any space concerns to think about with AutoBooster?
Not really! AutoBooster is easy to fit into any home. The unit is compact enough to be installed directly on top of a water heater, but it may be wall mounted if space is limited. AutoBooster also saves space by providing more hot water without requiring homeowners to upgrade to a larger tank.
How will AutoBooster improve your water heating system?
AutoBooster adds efficiency in a variety of ways. A combination of higher tank capacity, better water quality and lower energy use all contribute to a better overall water heating experience.
Eemax’s AutoBooster is a great addition to any home.
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