Home > Blog > Commercial > Businesses benefit twofold from tankless water heaters
There are just a handful of additions to a business that can immediately provide return on investment in more ways than one. Tankless water heaters stand out from the bunch.
Companies are approaching an age where brand awareness is just as important as the five-year business plan. Environmental consciousness is at an all-time high in society, which means it should be for enterprises as well.
Save money on heating
Utilities can be expensive for businesses of any size. During the summer, air conditioning can be priced incredibly expensive, which can eat into a business’ profit margins. One way to chip away at those costs is through water heating.
“Tank water heaters can use up extraordinary amounts of energy.”
Many companies may still have a tank water heater installed. While it is effective at its job, it could be costing your business money. Tank water heaters suffer from standby heat loss, which essentially uses double the energy a tankless water heater would. Instead of heating the water once, tanks often heat it twice if the supply sits without use for an extended period of time. This costly method of delivering warm water shows up on the monthly bill.
There are two ways to combat this. Point-of-use water heaters, like the EcoSmart tankless water heater, can be used in tandem with an existing system to provide a boost and a steady supply of warm water. This allows buildings to keep their existing infrastructure while still cutting down on energy costs.
The other route would be to completely replace the tank water heater with a tankless option, which would drastically cut back on the amount of energy going to waste. Water will be instantly heated as it’s needed, as opposed to essentially being premade. Combine this with energy-efficient appliances, and businesses will reap the rewards of conservative energy use.
Represent your brand in a better light
Savings can then be parlayed into revenue if companies play their cards right. Society is increasingly becoming focused on sustainable products and companies, and those concerns are translating to consumer trends. Businesses can cash in by publicizing their energy-efficient upgrades. After all – efficient hot water distribution and energy use factors into a LEED rating, the U.S. Green Builders Council reported.
According to the Nielsen Group, 55 percent of global consumers are willing to pay more for products made by companies with environmental sustainability on their to-do list. Energy efficiency is key in cutting greenhouse gas emissions down, and by using less fossil fuels, companies are effectively lowering their carbon footprint. Simply by switching to a tankless water heater, a business can effectively say it’s watching out for the environment.
This gives businesses the ability to rebrand as eco-friendly, and open their target audience to a greater amount of the population. Publicity plays a large role in this, as companies must develop marketing campaigns focused on spreading the word.
Installing a tankless water heater doesn’t just save an enterprise money on utilities, but it opens up the world of brand awareness. In the information age, firms can use these small infrastructural improvements to their advantage and generate more business through them.
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