Josh Jenkins | Midwest Regional Sales ManagerChrysler Transmission plant in Kokomo, Indiana
Three Eemax SpecAdvantage™ heaters are being used in a multi-step process application for the heat treatment of transmission components. After the components are machined, they are run through a heat treatment process. The next step is to quench and wash the parts with hot water. This wash cycle is served by a 1000 gal tank that must always have hot water available. The previous method was to fill the tank every other shift—taking a full 8 hours to heat up. Today, three 144 kW SpecAdvantage heaters are piped in parallel to heat water to 180°F at a rate of 20 GPM. The elements in the tank no longer have to do all the work—and the cycle time is cut to 1.5 hours. Eemax’s water heating solution saves the plant an entire shift’s-worth of downtime. Data was gathered to document the savings realized with the installation of SpecAdvantage; annual benefit to Chrysler is $147,000.
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